Wednesday, January 14, 2015


My name is Cameron Lohman, and I am a junior majoring in Health and Exercise Science. I am hoping to get into Physical Therapy school after my undergraduate degree.

I am from Duke, OK, which is an extremely small town in the southwest  (there is 450ish people in my town, my graduating class was 15 students). I grew up on a farm, although I am the opposite of a country boy! I know everything about farms, just not the lifestyle for me. I love the big cities and all the hustle and bustle that is present. I love traveling and see new places to. I have been to 38 of the 50 states, as well as 6 other countries. The Netherlands was my favorite country.

The reason why I chose OU was because of the sooner family atmosphere it has, as well as my family history with the University. My dad went to law school at OU, and my older brother is currently a mechanical engineering as well. With that, I kind of wanted to keep the sooner tradition going. Being apart of the sooner family as a whole has been amazing. Even as a junior I am constantly meeting new and exciting people every week, and the atmosphere at OU has always allows me to connect in some way to everybody.

The few things I do on campus are: campus tour guide, Big Event Ops Staff, and Greek life. Freshman year, I definitely tried to be involved in a lot of things; however, when I realized what my priorities where in life, these three remained after I cut back on involvement.

The hobbies I enjoyed are pretty broad in category. I enjoy all sports, ranging from Ping-Pong all the way to soccer. I love being outside, whether I am hunting, fishing, camping, hiking, or biking. The last hobby of mine is video games, and I can get down to just about any game (except sport games, would rather just play the sport instead).
(I am the tool is the shades, Cheezy (chandler) is the other dude!)

That is it, hope you like me!


  1. Oh my gosh, 38 of the 50 states already, Cameron - that is fabulous! We moved around a lot and traveled when I was little, and I had a charm bracelet with a little charm for each state we went through... it got so clunky with charms that I could not wear it anymore, ha ha. But I don't think I made it to that many states: wow! And how cool that you are a tour guide. Last semester a student did a project I bet you would enjoy: it's campus ghost stories that she found in Jeff Provine's book, and which she retold in a really creative way. I bet you've heard the stories already... but the way she told them was really great; here it is: Live On, University Legends. Maybe you will want to do a campus-connected project for class too!

    For the images, it's good to include a caption... I'm guessing you are the one in the shades? Whenever you use an image, it's good to clue your readers in: that's the idea with image info, letting us know just what we're looking at there, who, what where. It sure does look warm and relaxing.....! :-)

  2. Hey, Cameron! That’s so cool you’ve travelled so much – I’ve been to maybe half the number of states as you and most of that was because I drove through them. That’s really neat you visited the Netherlands – it wasn’t until more recently I saw a movie set in the Netherlands that I have decided I want to go there sometime. Glad to hear you want to do PT school – that’s a great occupation and I wish you all the best!

  3. I have never gotten the chance to travel much so I find it fascinating that you have been to so many different places. I have always wanted to travel and see everything that there is to see in the world. I just never had the chance to and I have never been outside the United States. I have barely been outside of Oklahoma.

  4. Cameron! I randomly chose this link and was surprised to find your blog here, great to see you in this class, too! Thanks for the interesting intro, I had no idea you involved with so much at OU, sounds like a busy schedule! Always good to find another small town Sooner. Looking forward to reading more of your blog posts!

  5. You have travelled so much! I am so jealous! I LOVE traveling, it's just so dang expensive! Also, I love how much you're enjoying OU. I love this school and have had such great experiences here! It's really cool that your family went here too, i'm hoping to convert my brother to the Sooner family, but he wants to go to Steven F. Austin University in TX because his girlfriend is there. Anyway, your interests seem cool and varied, I get the feeling you're a really chill guy!

    Where was that picture taken? I have a picture that looks so similar from when I floated the River in Austin.

  6. Hey Cameron. It is awesome that you travel. I have been to a lot of states, but definitely not 38. Traveling to six countries sounds like a great experience. I transferred to OU and also love it. I have enjoyed every day here in Oklahoma. It's great that you are so involved on campus. I sometimes wish I was a little more involved, but i'm a Senior and figure it is a little late for that.

  7. Cameron- Wow! You’ve been all over. How great is that? Not as many people from small towns seem to venture out of their comfort zones and it seems to given you a love for big cities. I like big cities as well as long as there is some country nearby when I need to get away from the bustle. You are very involved at OU, which is awesome. Good luck on getting into the Physical Therapy program!

  8. A graduating class of only 15 kids?! Holy Hell. That’s insane. I don’t think I’ve ever been anywhere that small before. I graduated with 1273 in my class. The smallest place I’ve ever been is Norman. I am the perfect definition of a city girl; I wouldn’t know what to do without all my conveniences. I also love your picture! Kayaking is one of my favorite things of all time. I’m not a big pairs fan, but I’ve ocean kayaked before in Hawaii and it was totally awesome!

  9. Hey Cameron! I'm Abby's friend; we talked for like a second at her birthday party/talked at her party last year. Anyway, I had no idea you were taking this course and am excited to read your storytelling this week! I love camping, hiking and biking! Being outdoors is one of my favorite hobbies and I wish there were places close to hike around Norman. I recently got an xbox one and I am hooked! I think it’s awesome sticking with Big Event; it is such a great experience to give to the community.

  10. It's great to "meet" you Cameron! I think it's great that you want to do physical therapy--I know a few friends that are also interested in that. I have never heard of Duke, OK...but it makes sense with how small the town is! I'm glad that you enjoy the Sooner experience and found things you can be involved in that you are passionate about! That makes all the difference! I also love being outside, so it's great that you do! I also think it's really cool that you've traveled to so many places. I love traveling, so that's really exciting!

  11. I have you beat on small towns! I moved to Dustin, Oklahoma, population 450, my senior year of high school and graduated with 3 other people...THREE! I was valedictorian though LOL. It looks like you have made up for being from a small town, that's a lot of traveling! I am originally from Macon, Georgia which is a bigger city. I also grew up in the country and hated it, but the older I get, the more I miss it.

  12. Cameron: I've never even heard of Duke! It's cool that you've seen both sides of the coin when it comes to country vs. city life.

    Also, your traveling adventures sound pretty awesome. I've not been to the Netherlands but it seems like an exciting place, with good public education and sensible people (unlike certain factions of our current state legislature).

    With your being a tour guide and everything, it seems that you must have heard some strange things on tours. I hope it is always a fresh experience.

  13. Pretty jealous of your traveling habit. I'd love to visit all 50 state in America. Even the Dakotas, poor states. They don't know what to do except to be farm land and freezing. I've heard the Netherlands are an awesome place. After I graduate I would love to backpack across Europe for a month. If there is anytime to do it, its now! Also, I've heard of small town, but Duke seem particularly tiny. I can't imagine graduating with only 14 people! that's crazy!

  14. Awesome that you've been to so many states! I've been to quite a few as well, but definitely not 38. I've always wanted to do just a big cross country road trip to see all of the states that I haven't been to yet, I think it would be so cool! I also love traveling in general. I've been to Europe several times but haven't ever been to the Netherlands. I would love to go though. Where else have you traveled?

  15. Hey Cameron!

    Like you, I am studying to be a physical therapist. What physical therapy graduate school are you thinking about attending?

    It amazes me that you graduated from a class of only 15 people. I am from Tulsa, Oklahoma and attended Jenks High School. It is a pretty big school, especially compared to yours. I graduated with about 800 people.

    I've never been to the Netherlands but I would love to! Last summer I got the opportunity to study abroad in Ireland. It was amazing. While I was there, I also got to visit London and Belgium. They were amazing as well.

  16. Hi Cameron! Physical Therapy is very cool. Have you taken Human Anatomy with Cindy yet? She's pretty awesome. It's nice that you have traveled a lot. I want to travel a lot when I finally have the free time after undergrad and grad. I really want to travel to France and Germany! I also think it's cool that your a campus tour guide. One of my roommates is a tour guide for national merit scholars. Anyway, I hope all is well for you this semester. Take care.

  17. Hey Cameron! I'm real jealous of how much you have gotten to travel. I haven't visited the Netherlands, but I was in the Netherlands last summer and it was the most incredible place I had ever visited. I've got a lot of friends in HES who really seem to enjoy it and want to do something similar. I've also heard tour guiding is a really great on-campus job!

  18. Hey Cameron!! I totally get the not playing sports video games. I would much rather play them in person as well. I think that it is awesome that once you found out what was important you cut back on other things that mattered less to you. I think that is very wise. I think it is incredible how much you have traveled, and I wish I got to travel that much. I hear the Netherlands are awesome. It was nice to meet you.

  19. Great to meet you Cameron. Interesting that you grew up in such a small town. I have always wondered what it would be like to do that. I think it would be cool to know everyone in town, but at the same time, that could get old. Seems like you have a lot of interesting hobbies and have a lot of fun doing them. I am with you on the reason I came to OU. Both of my parents went to OU so it only felt right that I go as well. I never even thought about going to any different school. Good luck through the rest of your schooling.

  20. Hi Cameron! It's nice to meet you. I find it fascinating that you grew up in such a small town and graduated with so few students. Growing up on a farm must have been so interesting. I was born and raised in Tulsa, OK, so that's the farthest thing from country life as you can get. Lol I do love to travel though. I've been to quite a few states, plus been to the Caribbean a few times. I love the island life and hope to retire there somewhere.
    It's funny that you should mention ping pong. That is one of my all time favorite games to play. I played it a lot with my siblings as I was growing up and I'm also extremely good at Air Hockey & Foosball. I could play those all day long. I also used to love playing tennis and basketball (just for fun) with my brothers. Good luck with he rest of your semester!
