Thursday, January 29, 2015

Essay: Parents and Child – The Infancy Gospels

I chose to write about the parent to child relationship between Jesus and his parents. I felt this would be the best analysis of the Infancy Gospels, mostly because it is literally about Joseph/Mary and Jesus. Throughout the story the author shows how Joseph and Mary respond to raising the Son of God. All the sections involve the child Jesus doing something extraordinary. Jesus constantly brought attention to them as well, good attention for the most part. Through all the stuff that happened, they never lost their faith in the Lord or Jesus. It really showed the love/patience only a parent could have. I would assume all the attention Jesus brought, had to try their patience. To have their patience tested and then to still love Jesus through it all was cool. They went through scary moments as well. For instance, having to flee to Egypt and than stay in robbers’ cave/hideout was definitely scary; however, they believed in Jesus and loved him like parents could.

Jesus did a great job at returning the love and respecting them. He knew all things and had the power of God, yet he still listened and obeyed them. He was always very respectful and loving. I wrote in my Reading Diary about Jesus and Joseph’s relationship, and how it was cool to read about. Jesus still respected and helped Joseph throughout the section. Jesus showed the same to Mary as well, and it is very evident with her in his adulthood. For example, when Jesus was in the temple, Mary and Joseph came looking for him and told him to come on. Jesus was doing great work by teaching the people scriptures, but he lovingly respected them and listened. The story’s main point was about Jesus, but thee idea of a loving family relationship is a very evident underlining theme to me.

1 comment:

  1. Cameron, I thought this was a good essay. I liked that you chose to use the theme that shows the relationship between "parents and child." I didn't read the infancy gospels, but you provided good details that correlate with your essay. I liked that you explained how Joseph and Mary never lost faith in Jesus. Then this leads to your point is that he returns love to Joseph. Good job on your essay.
