Tuesday, January 27, 2015

Reading Diary B - The Infancy Gospels

Two stories within the Infancy Gospels stuck out to me in the latter half: “Jesus and Joseph” and “Jesus and the Philosophers”.

Jesus and Joseph stuck out to me, because of the relationship it showed between him and Joseph.  There is nothing in the Bible that even hints at that relationship. It was just nice to see that Jesus (even though he is the Son of God) still loved, helped and respected Joseph. I really enjoyed the short glimpse of that.

            Jesus and the Philosophers was probably my favorite story in the unit. I loved reading about the knowledge Jesus had even as a child! The all-knowing characteristic really showed up for this story. I just loved hearing that Jesus knew every from the universe all the way to the human body. It helped remind me that he really did create all things. The story just “wowed” me. Mostly because the human body is what fascinates me, and reading the brief part about Jesus telling about the veins and such made get super excited. The story was so fun and interesting to read, even with it being pretty short.
( found from Freestock)

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