Friday, January 16, 2015

Storybook Favorites

These three stories I chose to write about really grabbed my attention! Mostly because I am a Christian, so it was easy for me to relate to all of them.

The Gospels – Tales From Our Dads” was probably my favorite one in everyway. The page itself was easily read a navigated. The intro did a fantastic job setting up what it was all about, yet didn’t give it all away either, and giving great insight to the writers train of thought. The spin the writer took was telling the a few stories of Jesus through a father and son conversation! The dads were the four authors of the Gospels of Christ: Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John. It was pretty neat to kind of get a child’s view of the stories!

Abraham Who?” was the story about Abraham, through eyewitness accounts of a father and son travelling back in time and witnessing the events together. There didn’t really seem to be an intro though, the writer just kind of jump into it. There was some build up before the father and son traveled back in time to Abraham, but that was about it. The take on the story was cool, but I have already experienced biblical stories told like that, so for me personally it wasn’t as exiting as the other two. But still a great viewpoint especially if someone hasn’t read a story like that!

The Children's Biblical Zoo” was too cool! It took biblical stories through the eyes of the animals involved!  I mean, I kind of want to read this to my nephew.  The Intro itself was good. It set up each story nicely and gave the readers a great idea of what they would be reading! The stories themselves were great and the design of the link, freaking awesome! The link had a ton of cute pictures of animals for children to enjoy.

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