Tuesday, January 20, 2015

Reading Diary A – The Gospel of Mark

I like how right off the back, the author Mark starts with John the Baptist. The first paragraph Mark states John will baptize with water; however, the one to come (Jesus) will baptize with the Holy Spirit. Mark already started illustrating how much greater Jesus is.

The fact that Jesus got up early to go pray alone, always just leaves me in awe. Mark already stated how much greater Jesus is, the voice of the Lord audibly spoke saying how proud He is of Jesus, Jesus has authority over impure spirits, and has healed people; yet he never forgot the importance of pray and allowing the one on one time with the Lord, and still depended on the Lord to fill him up.

“It is not the healthy who need a doctor, but the sick. I have not come to call the righteous, but sinners.” (NIV) –Jesus. This is a pretty popular verse, but it is so humbling for all. If you believe that Jesus came to save you, there is no way you can walk away from this verse prideful. If you need Jesus, you are sick (a sinner) and he is your doctor; you are dependent on him.

The section where Jesus both heals a woman is probably my favorite section in this half of the reading. The woman had so much faith in who Jesus was to only need to touch his clothes! What!? That just blows my faith out the water. It was also awesome that Jesus recognized and knew how much faith she had, and rewarded her for it too.

The yeast of the Pharisees and Herod is a great section, because you get to see another way Jesus teaches his disciples. They still haven’t quite figured out Jesus is trying to get them to think beyond worldly things, into Heavenly things. He is patient with them, and continues to try to get them to see with their own eyes, instead of him just straight up telling them.
(Cool design I found from WaterMark)

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