Wednesday, January 21, 2015

Storytelling Week 2 - The Last Supper

I remember the Last Supper with Jesus perfectly! Jesus sent John and I to go prepare the room. No, it was Mathew and I, or was it James? I can’t remember who went with me; nonetheless, that isn’t the important part anyways so who cares, I am moving on. Crap, no I am going to back up real quick. Before the Last Supper, the Pharisees and the other jerks were plotting how to betray Jesus. If it wasn’t for Judas, I don’t think they could of done it without causing an uproar. Man I hate they guy! I know Jesus teaches us not to hate, and that it was all within the Father’s master plan to save us (praise Him for that one); however, I just still miss the laughs and deep talks I shared with Jesus. Anyways, continuing on with the story. Before we all left for Jerusalem, we stayed in Bethany at Simon’s house.  We were just chilling there, and than all of a sudden a woman walks up to Jesus and pours some very nice perfume on His feet. Andrew and I were puzzled why she wasted that on Jesus. He was never one to have other serve Him; He always showed us how to serve others. He would not of cared if she sold it to get food or something. Apparently, that day Jesus felt otherwise; He called us out on our conversation real quick. He reminded us that there would always be a time to help others; however, He will only be here for a little while longer. Jesus already told us that He must die, but in the back of my mind I thought He would pull a miracle and stay with us. Back to when Jesus sent… I still cannot remember who was with me!? We found the guy with water (still blows my mind, how Jesus would always know how everything will happen), and he showed us the room. When it got dark, Jesus and the rest of them showed up and we sat down to eat. That night started out very joyful, than (as usual) Jesus got real with us, and predicted that one of us will betray him (Judas already worked out plans with the Pharisees). I remember my heart stopping. I just prayed that my heart would stay true to Jesus, and it would not be me. Jesus gave us the bread and wine as the symbols of his body and blood. Side note, John was crying at this point! For some strange reason that always makes me laugh, especially because now everybody thinks he is a badass (I love John, so I can make fun of him because he knows I lookup and respect him so much)! We sang a song together, and after that Jesus brought down the hammer of humility. He told us that after His death we would all fall away for a bit, but He wouldn’t let be gone for long (praise Him again for grace). Ok, this last part is probably the most awkward moment of my life! When Jesus said we would all fall away, Peter (speaking faster than his brain can function, as always) looked Jesus in the eyes and said he would never forsake Jesus. I wanted to slap the stupid out of him! I thought, “Bro, not only are you arguing with Jesus, but you are kind of calling Him a liar. Jesus can’t lie! So an A for zealous Peter, but geez haha.” Jesus being the coolest person ever was very patient. Staying calm and loving, He told Peter again and even added details about Peter doing in three times before the rooster crows.

            After the supper, we all went to pray, but that is another story for another time!

Author's Note: I took the section of the Last Supper from the Gospel Mark of the King James Bible (1611), and told it from a disciple's first person point of view. This section covered both the woman who washed Jesus’s feet, as well as the last night Jesus had with His disciples. The Last Supper is the night before Jesus was arrested and persecuted. At the Last Supper Jesus reveals a lot to His disciples since this will e the last time they meet before His death. During this story a lot of heavy stuff happens and is said, and it is one of my favorite stories about Christ. I wanted to portray how one of His disciples would have reacted. I have always been curious as to how I would react if I would have seen Jesus in the flesh, and so I used this opportunity to try and experience that. I based this disciple off the characteristics I see in myself, which mad this story really fun to write! I spent a lot of time in my head figuring out my possible responses. I found the image from Derek Levendusky.


  1. Hey Cameron! Great job with this storytelling! I like that you wrote it in a nonformal, stream of thought sort of way. It makes the story more modern and more relatable. Plus, it added humor that you just don't really find in the original biblical texts. You did have a few grammatical errors, but they were minor and did not distract from the fun that was your story. I also want to commend you on your word choice! I love the "hammer of humility." It is a little weird for me to read these biblical retellings because i've read the stories and heard them talked about by pastors and my dad over and over again, and never would I have imagined them being told in the way that the students in this class tell them. This is not a bad thing! It's just so different! Haha anyway, great job!

  2. Hey Cameron. Great job with this story. I liked how the narrative still resembled biblical lingo, but also had a new modern twist to it. The was the narrator tells the story kept me engaged because of the humor. The humor was good when the narrator references Peter, John, and Judas. It was cool that the last supper isn't exactly a lighthearted moment, but the story was written that way. Nicely done.

  3. Hey Cameron,

    I really enjoyed your story! I thought the first person point of view was very interesting and made it more compelling. Stories like that are generally perceived by how they relate to Jesus, so it was very interesting for him not to be the center of attention within the story. I also liked that it was fairly free flowing and off the top of your head, kind of like stream of though. This less formal form made it interesting, and the mix of humor definitely helped with that. It was a little bit odd to hear it in such an informal way because of how I am familiar hearing them, but I also think this is a way to make it potential more interesting to people that have trouble the typical formality of it. I would definitely be interested in reading more stories that follow this same form!

  4. Hey Cameron, I really enjoyed your story! I thought it was awesome how you made this story from the perspective of a disciple. It made it very realistic and interesting to read. This story was written in King James Version, so I really liked that you made this much simpler and brought a personality to the story that can't always be seen through transitions such as the KJV.
