Tuesday, March 3, 2015

Reading Review Week

Looking back on the reading diaries, the section I enjoyed the most was the gospel of Mark. I based my story for that week off the book, but I have based most of my stories from the section I mentioned in the reading diaries. The gospel of Mark just stood out the most, and I remember the stories the most from that unit. It was also my favorite story I wrote as well! There wasn't a bad story that I read in Mark, whereas most units have one that I either didn't care for or liked. I am a sucker for awesome hero stories, and Mark is about Jesus whom I believe is the best example of a true hero. It makes sense why that unit stuck out to me the most and I enjoyed it the most. I chose this image of Captain America because he is my favorite superhero, and I also just love this picture!

1 comment:

  1. I agree with you about the Gospel of Mark; I think all of the stories are awesome and super interesting to read! The Biblical unit was definitely my favorite section to read because there were so many stories that I had already heard before, but also some that were new to me, which made it fun to read. Also, that is definitely an awesome picture! Very symbolic! Thanks for sharing your thoughts!
