Wednesday, March 25, 2015

Reading Diary B: Eskimo Unit

The stories that I found most intriguing from the Eskimo unit were Atarssuaq and Tungujuluk and Saunikoq.  Atarssuaq was my favorite story from the whole unit, Tungujuluk and Saunikoq, for some reason, caught my attention.

Atarssuaq was a pretty awesome. I loved how the father and the son interacted.  I loved the tough love the father showed to the son. He knew the boy needed to be strong and skilled. At first I didn’t really think the father had too much compassion until he started to cry each time his son took too long to reappear. I also liked how his father chose to teach the boy to be a great swimmer. I wouldn’t really think that would serve somebody well in fighting, and I was so wrong. I loved how the son cleverly lured and picked the men off.  He didn’t use brute strength, just brain. Going off this story, brains is definitely better than bronze. I was sad that the father was eventually killed, and I also would have liked to know why the men wanted to kill him and his family; however, I am sure this story was supposed to teach others and they would not need that info to learn whatever it was.

Tungujuluk and Saunikoq was just too different for me not to talk about.  I was pretty confused why Saunikoq got jealous in the first place. Did he have a man crush on Tungujuluk, or what it just the fact that he could not have children? I was also intrigued with the fact that he did not try again to kill the son. I also liked how Tungujuluk embarrassed him. He fought fire with fire.

(Image from Sanibel Sea School)

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