Wednesday, March 4, 2015

Commenting Review Week

Looking back on the comments from the first part of the semester, my biggest mistake is grammar. Even when read it out loud to myself, I still miss some obvious spelling mistakes or misused tenses. That will be what I try to fix this later half of the semester. I might have to make one of my roommates read it or something, because I apparently can’t pick up on them. Good news is I have a lot of room for improving! Pulled this image of grammar from Ohio University.

1 comment:

  1. I agree that after reading and reviewing all of my work that my biggest mistake is in grammar. I think we just get so caught up in our writing that we think its coming out perfectly fine but its easy to make mistakes are you’re typing. This class really sows how important it is to reread your work and go over your materials before submitting them.
