Tuesday, March 31, 2015

Reading Diary A: Beowulf

The stories I want to focus on are The Wonderer’s Song and Beowulf’s Resolve from the Beowulf Unit.  These stories are both about the Wonderer’s song; it is like a call and response relationship. The Wonderer first told the story of Grendel, which the author went into some pretty awesome detail about. After the wonderer finished singing and talking, the author described how Beowulf responded to it all. It was pretty cool to read that. The author showed how Beowulf was feeling, the need to prove himself to others and most importantly him. I liked these two stories the most because it pumped me up to what is about to come… ALL THE FIGHTS! I am going to be really eager to finish this unit later today for sure! Beowulf is such a cool story and I haven’t read it in a while. I know this post is a bit shorter, but I am saving all my thoughts for the second half, which in my opinion is the juicier part of the unit! I also was distracted ready this after, because of the anticipation of Grendel!
(Image from TeleRead)

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