Tuesday, March 24, 2015

Reading Diary A: Eskimo Folk-Tales

The story that I found most interesting was Makite in the Eskimo Folk-Tales unit. I like the concept of a lone wolf story. He just up and left his village to be alone. Now, I do not understand why he originally wanted to live alone in the first place. He was did say she would leave him, but I think he responded to extremely to it. I thought it was interesting that the men chased after him. Even though his why did not care for him, it seemed like her brothers like and cared for him. I did like the scene with him and the first lone dweller. I loved how he threatened to kill the guy and then shared a meal with him afterward. How awkward would that be? I like he imagery the author used in the story. I like how he described the fight and battle scenes. The whole dwarf part was extremely confusing to me. I did not understand how that fit into the story at all; however, I thought the battle and using the water to drown their enemies was pretty cool. The character Makite was very interesting to me, which is why I found this story the most interesting. I stated early that I felt he reacted to extreme; however, he did seem to thrive living on his own. He ended up killing the other guy without even looking! How bad ass is that? The story as a whole did not make sense to me, but I just really enjoyed all the different little section it had.

(Image from DeviantArt)

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