Monday, March 9, 2015

Reading Diary A Week 9: Blackfoot Unit

The Wolf Man was my favorite story from the first half of the Blackfoot Unit. I like the relationship that was established between the man and the animals. I thought it was pretty interesting how only the man’s head, hands, and feet changed into wolf parts. I can really picture that, and I think that would be pretty awesome to have lol. I like seeing the compassion that the animals had for the man in the first place. I mean he hunts them and they still decided to save him.
I liked how the women did not get away with their crime. I do not feel bad for them either. They wanted to socialize and not contribute; and when they could not, they got butt hurt. In the end karma came back for them. Justice was definitely served.

 I did not like the fact that the author gave no closure to the wolf man. Did he continue to live with the wolves, did he live with the humans, or did he change back? I guess that wasn’t really the moral point of the story, but I just appreciate closure and I thought it was too easy to throw that end. My conclusion is he continued to live with the wolves, because that is what I want to happen.
(Image from Keyword Pictures)

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