Tuesday, March 10, 2015

Reading Diary B: Blackfoot Stories

The story that stuck out to me the most from the latter half of Blackfoot unit was the Bobcat and the Birch.  Judging off the name of the title, I did not expect that type of plot. It focused on a man that made the bobcat and the birch look the way they do now. I did not like the Old Man character one bit. The Old Man seemed so crewel, and deceitful. He first tricked the prairie dogs and ate them after they were so kind and considerate to him. Than he hurts the bobcat just because it ate his food, which he wrongly got in the first place. The guy seems like a grade A douche. Then he burns his own nose, when it was his fault he didn’t wake up. The nose tried and tried so it was not its fault. I just was not expecting this story to be about a man who did these weird and mean things. I was also kind of mad karma did not catch up with him in the end. With the wind almost bowing him away, I thought he was about to get. Than the birch tree saved him, which was pretty frustrating.  The title did not got with the plot really, only with the fact that the man rearranged both the bobcat and birch’s images.
(Image from Wikipedia)

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