Wednesday, February 4, 2015

Storytelling Week 4: The Man and the Lamp

The Man and the Lamp
            There was man who lived constantly traveling. He has been to every country and has seen more wonders than anyone could wish to see. After seeing all those places and cultures, he was still unhappy with life.

“I have seen the world, yet I still can’t find happiness”, said the man, “Maybe one more adventure of solitude would allow me to see what happiness truly looks like so I can find it.”

 For his last and finally adventure, he decided to sail all the oceans in a sailboat. The man bought a beautiful boat to sail the oceans with. He set out from the Pacific and snaked his way around the world. He made it all the way to the Bahamas; however, things took a turn for the worst upon his arrival. The ma was caught in a huge storm and ended up being shipwrecked on an island. The man spent 3 months on the island living of what vegetation it had. One day, when the man was walking the shoreline, he tripped over an object in the sand. It was a lamp of some sort. The man thought nothing of it and threw it aside. All of a sudden a genie appeared from the lamp.

“Why did you not rub my lamp?” asked the genie. “Everybody knows you are supposed to rub a lamp when you see one!”

Being completely astonished, the man replied, “I am sorry, I did not think genies could exist.”

“Well we do, and even though you didn’t rub me, I will still grant you one wish,” said the genie.

“I thought everybody got three?” the man asked.

Are you bargaining with me, even though I didn’t have to give you ANY wishes?” the genie asked.

“Yes!” exclaimed the man.

“Whatever, I got nothing but time,” the genie stated.

“My first wish is for my boat to be restored,” the man said.

*With a snap of the fingers, the genie restored the boat*

“My second wish is for smooth sailing all the way home,” declared the man.

The genie granted that wish as well, and asked the man what his final wish was.

“I wish to learn the key to happiness,” the man said with a big smile.

As soon as the said that the genie disappeared, leaving the man utterly disappointed. The man returned home with no problems. Once he arrived home, he decided that he would stop the adventures and remain home. A year or so had past when a knock came to his door. It was a beautiful woman.

“I was told to come and find you”, the woman explained, “I love adventures and I heard you are the man to talk to.”

That moment, everything became clear to the man. Happiness in life is only found when someone else is beside you, helping you look along the way.

(image from inkspired)

Authors Note: I adopted this story from The Man Who Went to Wake His Luck from Persian Tales by D.L.R. Lorimer and E.O. Lorimer (1919). The original story involves a man who wanted to have a better life, and his “luck” gave him two opportunities to obtain that. The man was too dumb to realize and was eaten by a wolf. I created this story from that, but made this man realize his fortune. Since this man realized his finding, he got to reap the reward unlike the man from the original story.


  1. I like your version of the story! Probably a lot more than I would have liked the original version. It seems like your version is a lot more forgiving and optimistic. The section of the man arguing with the genie was really funny. However, also probably a very accurate portrayal of what anyone would do. Provided that genies were real and actually gave out wishes.

  2. I enjoyed the way you retold the story. Though I never read the original, I feel like this one gives a better ending than the original (from what you described in the authors note). The man was unable to understand happiness and thought that being all over the world would fulfill that. When luck comes around, he was able to realize what happiness was. I thought it was cute that happiness was love in this story and I am glad he found it!

  3. Cameron, I liked your adaptation of the story although I've never read the original. I thought it was great and much more optimistic than the original story's ending. I thought it was great how you used dialogue in the story, giving life to the character's and developing the man. One thing I noticed was some spelling errors, so maybe just proofreading this story would help. But overall, I thought you did a great job with the story!

  4. Hey cameron, great story! I loved all the dialect in your story. It's un to imagine the man and the genie bantering back and forth like they do and you really brought that to life. I skimmed this story in my own reading but you really made it easy to understand. I also love the moral it tells. We really are happier when we have someone to share our happiness with. I also like your spin on the ending! A much happier ending. Besides a few spelling misshaps everything looked great!
