Tuesday, February 3, 2015

Reading Diary A: Persian Tales

There were three stories from the Persian Tales that stuck out to me in the first half of the reading. Two I really thought were cool stories, and the other I thought was super twisted. I didn’t really care for it; it is too twisted to not write about.

            This story is about a mother goat, her four kids, and a wolf. The mother goes out for food and warns the kids about the wolf and told them to be carful. The wolf still managed to trick the kids, and stole three of the four. The mother goat returned to find only one, and went to go confront the wolf. She ended up killing the wolf by out smarting him. The wolf took the shortcut, and the lazy way; it ended up costing him his life. Very short and enjoyable read!

            I loved this story! The main character killed two mice, and spread a rumor that it was two LIONS. Talk about a fisherman’s lie. What was even better was that he started to believe he was a badass! A knight heard about him and hired him in the army. When the boy was in war, he lost control of his horse and was screaming (I am sure out of fear), and the enemies took it at some battle cry and fled in terror; furthermore, the king appointed him head over the army. The kid climbed the ranks so fast and did absolutely nothing to earn it. For some reason I found it so funny that it worked out so well for him.

            This was the weird story! It is about boy who died and turned into a bulbul (bird). His stepmother said the boy and his father should see who could gather more wood, and the loser would be beheaded! The boy won, and while he wasn’t looking the dad stole some of his. The dad beheaded his son and took it to the stepmother, who than cooked his severed head!! His sister buried him and he rose as a bird. I am sure this had some neat meaning, but I cant get over the whole head chopped off and then cooked thing!

(image from DeviantArt)

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