Tuesday, February 3, 2015

Reading Diary B: Persian Tales

            This story was my favorite from the whole unit. I loved how it unfolded. I also liked how the author made luck a person; furthermore, he/she made it seem that everyone has luck, just people’s luck wakes up at different times in life. The poor brother was beyond foolish, and he definitely paid for it. His brother’s luck told him to wait for his own luck, which he did not. His own luck told him to wait as well, and he still didn’t listen. But I will say the poor brother was a nice guy, he did remember to ask his own luck about the others’ problems. He was just so oblivious to the lucky situations he had. I mean a freaking queen offered to marry him, and he was holding out for better. What is better than ruling a nation? It was a fun read, and I like how the wolf ate him. I could just see that the wolf was dying laughing at the stupidity of the guy, and the icing on the cake had to be when the wolf  “made him look”. I guess the theme to take away from this story is: shoot for stars, but be sure to realize when you reach the stars or a wolf could eat you!
(image from the BBC)

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