Wednesday, February 18, 2015

Reading Diary B: Congo Unit

The Three Brothers was the most interesting story from the latter half of the Congo unit. It was kind of funny how that worked for me, saving the best for last was true in this circumstance. The story had a happy ending conclusion. Nobody died or vanished, which is a nice change from the bulk of the stories. The three brothers were together since birth and left in a field by their mother. After their mother abandoned them, they stumbled upon a spirit river that guided and provided for the brothers. The river also provided wives for them as well. They went on to build a community with their families and created a very happy and successful life. Their mother later heard of their success and went looking for them; furthermore, when they found out about her looking for them, they took her in and provided for her. I liked the forgiveness theme in the story. Even though their mother left them to die, they still forgave her later in life. They were the bigger person for sure. This may be a stretch, but I think it can show the importance of family. They never split up, and they provided for the ones they care about I like twisted endings for the most part, but it is still nice to have a cool happy ending like this story. I also think it is cool that wives just randomly appear for men in this unit. I am waiting for my trees to give me a wife now.
(Image of three brothers from Brother Bear, I found it from DisneyWiki)

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