Thursday, April 2, 2015

StoryTelling for Week 11: A Modern Day Hero

As I leaned by in my lazy boy watching TV, I glanced over to my wall. Staring back at me were all my many achievements. The Olympic gold medals, the two Medals of Honor, the Purple Hearts, the Bronze Stars, the Nobel Peace prize, and my game trophies. I read the I achieved so much in such a little time; I mean I am old 55 and I almost done everything. Most people would die to just earn one my many achievements; however I was most certainly not satisfied in my achievements. There was one thing I desired to do, and I would give anything to do it. Just to taunt myself I had it hanging over my achievements. That bloody, beautiful mountain just hung there laughing at me. I could never deny how majestic Mt Everest truly was, and I only wanted to climb it. I wanted to be on top of the world, look out over the clouds, and see God’s amazing works. With a tear in my eye, I looked down at my right arm; well what would have been my right arm. Climbing this mountain would never be possible for me if I only had one arm, regardless of how fit and strong I am. Now I am not the one to regret things, and especially not losing this arm. If I still had my arm, then my fellow brother in arms, Ben, would not be in bed with his wife, and his kids would not have their father. He and I would always joke about how saving him from that chopper blade was the worst best decision I made. He knew my longing to climb that mountain, and he still feels a little bad about the accident. It wasn’t his fault, and he shouldn’t feel bad. I would save him even if it meant my life and not just my arm. I reread the one of the Purple Hearts, “This award is to recognize James Patterson and his courage and compassion he shows on the field of battle protecting this great country.” The last line was “God save the Queen”, and I managed to chuckle at that line. The Queen was not all sunshine and roses like the media displays; if she was I would not be on the couch for convincing our son to embarrass her at a distinguished dinner party.

I was not about to fall asleep when I heard a pounding at the door. When I opened it, it was ben standing there with a huge smile on his face. He was holding what looked like a carbon fiber arm with an icepick attached as the hand.
(Image from SummitPost)

Author’s Note: I adopted this story from the Beowulf Unit. There isn’t really one story that I focused on. I focused on Beowulf as the person. I tried to make someone in today’s time equivalent to his achievements. I tried to create a modern day Beowulf.  The book itself is “The Story of Beowulf” by Strafford Riggs. I wanted to have a man who has done so much, but is still never satisfied with his achievements, but unlike Beowulf the man didn't die in an adventure. I wanted my man to die of old age.


  1. This man is never satisfied. He always has to have more. I really like that you brought Beowulf into the modern light and focused less on the story and more on who he was as person. From your story I gathered that he values his glory much more than his family (which he values too, just not as much). Part of me wanted him to climb the mountain with one arm. It seems that he is such a mentally strong person he could have probably done it. Overall I liked your story!

  2. I really enjoyed reading this story that you wrote. Like the person above, I think it is funny that this man is never satisfied. I think there are a lot of people that are like that out there in the world, so it makes this story very relatable. I really like Beowulf as an original story, but I thought you did a great job rewriting it. I hope to read more of your stories in the future.
